Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Bruno W. Garlepp0
Jared L. Zerbe0
Kevin S. Donnelly0
Mark A. Horowitz0
Pak S. Chau0
Stefanos Sidiropoulos0
Billy W. Garrett, Jr.0
Carl W. Werner0
Date of Patent
October 17, 2006
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 6, 2000
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A memory system uses multiple pulse amplitude modulation (multi-PAM) output drivers and receivers to send and receive multi-PAM sigsnals. A multi-PAM signal has more than two voltage levels, with each data interval now transmitting a “symbol” at one of the valid voltage levels. In one embodiment, a symbol represents two or more bits. The multi-PAM output driver drives an output symbol onto a signal line. The output symbol represents at least two bits that include a most significant bit (MSB) and a least significant bit (LSB). The multi-PAM receiver receives the output symbol from the signal line and determines the MSB and the LSB.
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