Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Sarah Margaret Gardner0
Brian George Merrell0
Albert Lobo Natividade0
Date of Patent
June 26, 2007
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 20, 2002
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An animal data gathering device comprise: a radio transmitter and receiver, a processor for controlling the operation of the device, and memory for storing, information including a first unique identifier associated with the device, wherein the processor is arranged to transmit a signal, by means of the radio transmitter, and to receive, by means of the radio receiver, one or more signals, each representing a second unique identifier from other devices and the processor is arranged to store in the memory each second unique identifier. Thus a record is kept of all radio devices with which the device has come into radio contact.
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