A company developing an organic polymer as a sustainable alternative to concrete transportation roadway infrastructure.
Uberbinder has developed a process for concrete and asphalt production that is more energy-efficient, durable, and cost-effective. ThisUberbinder claims that this method has allowed Urbanbinder independence andis freedomcapable fromof spendingsaving billions of dollars in traditional concrete and asphalt production, which heavily relies on the fossil fuel industry, cutting emissions by roughly 90%.
December 4, 2019
A company developing an organic polymer as a sustainable alternative to concrete transportation roadway infrastructure.
Uberbinder, a company providing a sustainable asphalt solution for roadway repair and development, was founded in 2019 by Jaetek Yang, Clifford Bengis, Julius Kassar, and Phil Ahn.
Uberbinder has developed a process for concrete and asphalt production that is more energy-efficient, durable, and cost-effective. This method has allowed Urbanbinder independence and freedom from spending billions of dollars in traditional concrete and asphalt production, which heavily relies on the fossil fuel industry, cutting emissions by roughly 90%.
Uberbinder claims that their technology would allow world governments and the construction industry to decarbonize the earth within thirty-years time on a global scale.
A company developing an organic polymer as a sustainable alternative to concrete transportation roadway infrastructure.
A company developing an organic polymer as a sustainable alternative to concrete transportation roadway infrastructure.