A branch of machine learning that tries to make sense of data that has not been labeled, classified, or categorized by extracting features and patterns on its own.
The following are methods used in unsupervised machine learning.
Unsupervised learning is a branch of machine learning that takes unlabeled data that hasn't been previously classified or categorized and tries to extract features and patterns from the data on its own. Where supervised learningsupervised learning is analogous to taking a multiple choice test with pre-determined answer key, unsupervised learning is analogous to taking an open-ended test where the questions don't have an answer key or objective means of determining a grade.
Machine learning technique
A branch of machine learning that tries to make sense of data that has not been labeled, classified, or categorized by extracting features and patterns on its own.
Unsupervised learning is a branch of machine learning that takes unlabeled data that hasn't been previously classified or categorized and tries to extract features and patterns from the data on its own. Where supervised learning is analogous to taking a multiple choice test with pre-determined answer key, unsupervised learning is analogous to taking an open-ended test where the questions don't have an answer key or objective means of determining a grade.
The general goal of unsupervised learning is to gain some insights about a given data set by modeling the underlying structure or distribution in the data. Unsupervised learning algorithms aren't searching for concrete correct answers or specific outputs. Rather, they are handed a dataset without having any explicit instructions on what to do, and they are left alone to find interesting structure in the data.
The different unsupervised learning models that exist can be categorized based on the ways in which they organize data.
Machine learning technique