SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The following proposal outlines Ursa Major Technologies, Inc.âs (âUrsa Majorâ) plan to develop a flight qualified rocket engine suited for both booster and upper stage applications in support of the Air Force Tactical Funding Increase (TACFI) program. Specifically, Ursa Major will qualify the 5000 lbf LOX- Kerosene, ox-rich staged combustion Hadley engine in support of the ASLON-45 mission. The subsequent sections outline the approach that Ursa Major intends to pursue regarding the technical, cost, and schedule portions of the qualification program. This effort is supported by a maximum funding limit of $1,700,000 from AFTC/PZRA with matching private funds provided by Ursa Major. An additional maximum of $100,000 will be provided by AFRL/RQRE in support of the Hadley qualification program.