XT.COM is a cryptocurrency trading platform.
XT.COM - The World's First social infused exchange
XT.COM is a cryptocurrency trading platform.
XT.COM Exchange was established in 2018 and registered in Seychelles. Its operating headquarters is located in Singapore. It has operation centers in Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul and other countries and regions, and its business covers the world.
The platform owns the global top-level domain www.xt.com, and currently has more than 3 million registered users, more than 300,000 monthly active users, and more than 30 million users in the ecosystem.
XT.COM is a comprehensive trading platform that supports 100+ high-quality currencies and 300 trading pairs. It has a rich variety of transactions such as currency transactions, leveraged transactions, OTC transactions, contract transactions, and credit card purchases. Provide users with the safest, most efficient and professional digital asset investment services.
XT.com is a great choice for traders, whether beginner or professional. They fulfill the demands of modern traders and investors through innovative solutions and the inclusion of the latest markets. Traders can buy and hold specific cryptocurrencies through the platform’s convenient buy and sell section. And they can do so quickly, with just a click. As a cherry on top, the exchange also allows users to stake their assets, mine, enter pools, and receive rewards with ETH 2.0. But in my perspective, the following are hands down the best features of XT.com:
1) Buy a range of crypto assets instantly: XT.com provides instant access to a plethora of cryptocurrencies. After registering, all you have to do is choose your preferred payment method and the asset you want to buy, and it is credited to your account once payment is approved.
2) Diverse trading markets: Instead of featuring a single trading market, XT.com hosts several. The platform supports the most common, the spot market, as well as margin trading, where you can increase the leverage. You can also trade derivatives, including futures, contracts, ETFs and indices.
3)The platform supports staking, saving and mining: If you want to put your investments to good use, you can stake your assets or put them in the platform’s savings account to earn a considerable amount of money. You can also opt for cloud mining and earn daily profits based on the plan you have chosen.
XT.com has some great features, but they would benefit from including guides to crypto trading and introducing their own payment options. These are small problems that can be easily solved, so I look forward to seeing what the platform has planned for the future.