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Chrysler is a label created by the Chrysler Group LLC, which since 2014 has been part of the Italian Fiat. Concurrently with Ford and General Motors, they compose the Big Detroit Three.
The organization was established in 1924 by creator and businessman Walter Percy Chrysler.
He worked as a mechanic on the railways, as a supervisor at the enterprises of the American Locomotive Company. From 1912 he moved to the Buick corporation, and in 1916 he headed it. In 1919, Chrysler became vice president of General Motors, which included Buick. In 1920-24, Chrysler took part in the reorganization of the companies "Willis-Overland" and "Maxwell Motor". The reorganized firm was named "Chrysler" and began producing cars created by Chrysler himself.
In the Second World War, the Americans switched to display for military purposes, and with the onset of peacetime, they persisted in producing cars. In 1980, Chrysler plunged into the deepest economic crisis and finally recovered from it just in the 1990s. In 1998, the corporation united with the Daimler-Benz concern, and in 2014 came under the control of FIAT.
These cars, equipped with high-compression engines and hydraulic drives, sold out well. It evolved into one of the 3 largest automakers in the United States, subsequently buying a company such as Dodge. Chrysler eloquently titled his book of memoirs "The Life of an American Worker."