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Fable Studio is an Emmy award-winning virtual reality film making company. Its film Wolves in Walls, based on the work by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, won the award in 2019 and follows eight-year-old Lucy, a virtual being who is the lead character in the story which users can follow and interact with her. The film also won Virtual Reality Film of the Year in 2019.
The studio is developing virtual beings, such as Lucy, using various technology. The beings are nonplayable characters (NPC) and are developed using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing, thus allowing them to interact with users. The users can join in the story and interact with the character and the technology will remember the interaction, thus leading to further interactions that will involve the user on a personal level.
Virtual beings which are developed by the company can be viewed on Instagram, augmented reality headsets, iPad or iPhone, chat, Alexa, virtual reality glasses, and more.