Company attributes
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Mechel is mining and metallurgical company whose products are supplied to both domestic and foreign markets. The company unites enterprises that are engaged in the production of various products, such as coal (coking and energy), steel, ferroalloys and much more. Mechel is one of the ten largest producers of coal for metallurgy, and also controls more than a quarter of the coking coal washing facilities in the country.
2001 - The company makes new acquisitions in Russia and abroad.
2002 - Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant, Vyartsilya Metal Products Plant and the plant in Romania’s city of Targoviste joined the Group.
2004 - The company acquired the Posyet seaport and this allowed to optimize the supply of the company's products to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. In October of the same year, the first public offering of a part of the company's shares (10%) took place. The IPO was held on the New York Stock Exchange.
2005 - Mechel wins the auction, which gives the right to mine coking coal in deposits with a total reserves of 264.6 million tons.
2006 - "Olzherasskaya" mine was put into operation.
2008 - The construction of a railway from the Ulak station of the Baikal-Amur Mainline to the Elga deposit in Yakutia begins. In April of this year, Mechel acquires two Romanian metallurgical plants, Dactyl Steel Buzau and Ocelu Rosu and this allowed the company to conduct its activities in Eastern Europe.
2009 - In the first quarter of 2009, coking coal production fell by more than 75%. Despite all the difficulties, the work continued and in March Mechel signed an agreement with the South Korean company Hyundai Steel on the supply of coking coal.
2010 - Acquisition of the Laminorul Braila plant located in Romania. In the same year, Mechel acquired Ramateks (a Turkish metal trading group).
2011 - Posyet Port Achieves Record Coal Transshipment Due to Improved Port Facilities.
In 2011, Mechel produced over 27.6 million tons of coal, over 6.1 million tons of steel, and sold over 12.5 million tons of coking coal concentrate, over 4.3 million tons of PCI coal and anthracite, over 6.4 million tons of thermal coal, more than 4.4 million tons of iron ore, more than 4.5 million tons of long and flat products, about 1 million tons of hardware and welded mesh, 16.3 thousand tons of nickel, 84 thousand tons of ferrosilicon, 58 thousand tons chromium, about 4 billion kWh of electricity and more than 7 billion Gcal of heat.
2013 - In 2013, Mechel signed many agreements with both domestic and foreign companies (for instance, cooperation agreement with Baosteel Resources Int. Co. Ltd, loan agreement with VTB Bank, three-year contract with the South Korean corporation POSCO for the supply of coking coal).
2014 - Mechel received a certificate from SGS (coking coal samples meet Russian and international standards).

2016 - In June 2016, Mechel sold to Gazprombank a 49% of shares in Elgaugol LLC, a 49% of shares e in Elga Doroga LLC, and 49% of shares in Mechel-Trans Vostok LLC.
2018 - Mechel took part in an international transport exhibition Innotrans, where the company provided rails and sought-after products for wagonbuilders.
2019 - In January, Mechel Service launched its online store selling steel rolls.
2021 - During the year, the shares of the company's ordinary shares rose by 56%, and preferred shares - by more than 307%.
Mechel's subsidiaries divided into segments:
- Mining industry
- Metallurgy
- Energy
- Logistics and other
List of all companies:
Mechel Mining, Mechel-Trans, Mechel-Energo, Chelyabinsk Iron and Steel Works, "Coal company "South Kuzbass", Affiliates of PJSC Southern Kuzbass, Beloretsk Iron and Steel Works, Vartsila hardware plant, Affiliates of BMK JSC,
Bratsk Ferroalloy Plant, "Ural forge", Korshunov Mining and Processing Plant, "Port Mechel-Temryuk", Posyet Trading Port
"Izhstal", Moscow Coke and Gas Plant, Mechel Engineering, Mechel Service, Mechel-Trans, Mechel-Coke, Port of Kambarka, South Ural Nickel Plant, Holding company "Yakutugol".