A method and system for exposing the delicate structures of a device encapsulated in a mold compound such as an integrated circuit (IC). A laser is used to ablate the mold compound and thus remove it, exposing the underlying structure. The laser beam can be steered in a desired raster pattern onto the surface of the device or the device can be moved in the desired pattern relative to the laser beam. Spectral analysis can be performed on the laser plume emitted by the ablation process in order to determine the composition of the ablated material. Thus, in addition to exposing defects in the underlying structure, the system can also be used to analyze the encapsulating material in order to determine whether it contained any defects or anomalies. A system for precisely cutting a circuit board or an IC in a user-selected pattern is also described. The system directs a laser along a path that a user can specify using a graphical interface.