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Apollo Graphql's system is built on the company's core open-source GraphQL client and server. The platform provides developer tools and services to accelerate development, secure infrastructure, and scale the data graph to multiple teams. Apollo's aim is to provide a single source of information for the structure of the graph by tracking schema in a central registry. The schema registry acts as a center that coordinates all of the systems and tools that constitute the graph and keep the schema private.
The Apollo platform helps users build, query, and manage a data graph: a unified data layer that enables applications to interact with data from any combination of connected data stores and external APIs. A data graph sits between application clients and back-end services, facilitating the exchange of data between them. This is illustrated on the image below.
A graph in Apollo Studio represents a connected data graph in the organization. Each graph has one or more variants that correspond to the environments where the graph operates, such as staging and production. Each variant has its own GraphQL schema, meaning that schemas can differ between environments.
Deployed graphs are shared with other members of the organization. They are suitable for every use case except local development.
Development graphs (or dev graphs) are only visible to the primary user in their own development environment. They can be used to iterate on the graph in the development environment without interfering with or alerting other users.
Apollo Client is a state management library for JavaScript that enables users to manage local and remote data with GraphQL. It can be used to fetch, cache, and modify application data and automatically update the user interface. Apollo Client aims to aid users in structuring code in an economical, predictable, and declarative way that is consistent with modern development practices.
- Declarative data fetching: queries can be written and data can be received without manually tracking loading states.
- Compatible with React, any build setup, and any GraphQL API: React features, such as hooks, can be used with the Apollo Client, as well as any build setups and GraphQL APIs.
- Incremental adoptability: Apollo can be integrated into any JavaScript app one feature at a time.
The pricing options for the platform include Free, Team, and Enterprise. The Free option offers up to 25 million operations per month. The Team option is suitable for individual teams or smaller companies and costs $49 per user per month, and offers up to 250 million operations per month ($49 per user per month when billed annually and $59 per user per month when billed monthly). The Enterprise option is suitable for companies of any size and is customized to their particular needs.