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RapidAPI is a San Francisco-based company that develops software as a service. Its platform acts as a marketplace for application programming interfaces (APIs). The company also offers a conduit for developers with public APIs to manage all API connections from a single interface and access metrics from that interface. It participated in the 500 Startups Batch 16 cohort and raised an estimated $12,500,000. The company was founded in 2015 and is based in San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Tallinn, and Berlin.
The Rapid API Hub offers users a chance to find and connect APIs through a single hub. This can help users establish a single location for all APIs; choose APIs by reviewing popularity scores, average latency, and average success rate; and browse APIs by category, collection, or type through dropdown menus and search bars. Through the Hub, users can connect APIs and collect performance metrics, such as average latency, uptime, and popularity.
RapidAPI Testing is an API testing and monitoring solution designed to provide users with an intuitive user experience and support for any API type. It includes integration with RapidAPI Hub and RapidAPI Enterprise Hub. Testing allows users to ensure API functionality, including the development of intricate tests for deep validation of APIs; centralized monitoring of APIs across multiple geographies; and improved efficiency, including integrating to the CI/CD pipeline, collaborating across teams, and integration through RapidAPI Hub and Enterprise Hub.
RapidAPI also features a collaborative space for teams to share and collaborate on internal or external APIs and microservices. This is a private workspace where developers across an organization and across organizational geographies can work together to develop these APIs. The space allows users to publish, share, and connect to internal APIs, external APIs, and microservices. It is intended to allow developers to create a place to share ideas on the development of API products.
The RapidAPI Client is an API developer tool intended to accelerate API delivery and improve the developer experience. This is done through an API client with an intuitive user interface designed to help simplify development workflows and streamline API collaboration. This includes tools to debug, test, and interact with HTTP APIs. It supports any type of API, including REST, SOAP, and GraphQL, and it allows collaboration on building APIs and publishing them.
The company's platform is called RapidAPI's Enterprise Hub, on which users can look for APIs in the marketplace. Companies searching for an API can find one that matches their brand. The hub can integrate into existing software and can be deployed in a manner that is best suited for the company, such as on the cloud or on-premises. Further, the Enterprise Hub enables an organization to know which APIs exist across an organization and their different infrastructures and toolings. This is intended to offer an organization an overview of the APIs in use for consumption and collaboration and to further unify an organization's API efforts and infrastructure. Further, it offers a single platform to view these APIs from. The Enterprise Hub is intended to support any API type, including REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and Kafka. It also offers tools to monitor and manage API usage and tools for managing the development lifecycle of APIs and integrations.